rule Windows_Trojan_CobaltStrike_c851687a { meta: author = "Elastic Security" id = "c851687a-aac6-43e7-a0b6-6aed36dcf12e" fingerprint = "70224e28a223d09f2211048936beb9e2d31c0312c97a80e22c85e445f1937c10" creation_date = "2021-03-23" last_modified = "2021-08-23" description = "Identifies UAC Bypass module from Cobalt Strike" threat_name = "Windows.Trojan.CobaltStrike" severity = 100 arch_context = "x86" scan_context = "file, memory" license = "Elastic License v2" os = "windows" strings: $a1 = "bypassuac.dll" ascii fullword $a2 = "bypassuac.x64.dll" ascii fullword $a3 = "\\\\.\\pipe\\bypassuac" ascii fullword $b1 = "\\System32\\sysprep\\sysprep.exe" wide fullword $b2 = "[-] Could not write temp DLL to '%S'" ascii fullword $b3 = "[*] Cleanup successful" ascii fullword $b4 = "\\System32\\cliconfg.exe" wide fullword $b5 = "\\System32\\eventvwr.exe" wide fullword $b6 = "[-] %S ran too long. Could not terminate the process." ascii fullword $b7 = "[*] Wrote hijack DLL to '%S'" ascii fullword $b8 = "\\System32\\sysprep\\" wide fullword $b9 = "[-] COM initialization failed." ascii fullword $b10 = "[-] Privileged file copy failed: %S" ascii fullword $b11 = "[-] Failed to start %S: %d" ascii fullword $b12 = "ReflectiveLoader" $b13 = "[-] '%S' exists in DLL hijack location." ascii fullword $b14 = "[-] Cleanup failed. Remove: %S" ascii fullword $b15 = "[+] %S ran and exited." ascii fullword $b16 = "[+] Privileged file copy success! %S" ascii fullword condition: 2 of ($a*) or 10 of ($b*) }