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racfor_wiki:dinamicka_analiza_sigurnosti_aplikacija [2021/01/17 14:32]
smatesic [Dynamic testing tools]
racfor_wiki:dinamicka_analiza_sigurnosti_aplikacija [2023/06/19 18:17] (trenutno)
Redak 57: Redak 57:
 {{:racfor_wiki:scan_results.png?400|}} {{:racfor_wiki:scan_results.png?400|}}
-===== Zaključak =====+Scan results are shown in the image above. As the image shows, ZAP can provide information on the most common and dangerous vulnerabilities. 
 +===== Conclusion =====
 Even though certain drawbacks keep it from being the ultimate security testing method in all cases, dynamic testing still presents a valuable method of testing in most cases, and even the best in some scenarios. To utilize its potential to the fullest, a combination of manual testing and automated tool-based testing is recommended. Even though certain drawbacks keep it from being the ultimate security testing method in all cases, dynamic testing still presents a valuable method of testing in most cases, and even the best in some scenarios. To utilize its potential to the fullest, a combination of manual testing and automated tool-based testing is recommended.
Redak 65: Redak 66:
-===== Literatura =====+===== Sources =====
 [1] IBM, Cost of a Data Breach Study Report highlights, https://www.ibm.com/security/data-breach, accessed on 14.1.2021 [1] IBM, Cost of a Data Breach Study Report highlights, https://www.ibm.com/security/data-breach, accessed on 14.1.2021
racfor_wiki/dinamicka_analiza_sigurnosti_aplikacija.1610890367.txt.gz · Zadnja izmjena: 2023/06/19 18:14 (vanjsko uređivanje)
Dieses Dokuwiki verwendet ein von Anymorphic Webdesign erstelltes Thema.
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